Welcome to Pulau Sapi

We were not planning to snorkel until we realized it would be a waste if we do not try it while we have the chance. At first, the parents didn't allowed us as I, the big sister is a 'summer duck'. After I made sure that we will be secured by the agent and lifeguards, the parents reluctantly gave us a green light. Mission accomplished. So in this post, my parents are not spotted in any of these photography.

Pulau Sapi is one of the island of Tunku Abdul Rahman Park located nearby to Kota Kinabalu, Sabah. You can take a boat from the Shangri-La Resort. Pulau Sapi has the nicest beach in the Park and its coral reefs with beautiful fishes makes it ideal for snorkeling.

Land Below The Wind
From the deck of Pulau Sapi, Sabah.

Land Below The Wind
The view.

Land Below The Wind
Clean white sand.

Land Below The Wind
Crystal clear water.

Land Below The Wind

Land Below The Wind


BBQ Seafood Lunch provided.






Chicken Satay.


My lunch.

Sunny day makes me extremely happy.

Heart shaped dead coral.

I was scared at first and refused to snorkel even though I was ready with all the gears on. Sister pulled me into the water forcefully and I felt great after that although the life jacket is hurting my thighs. The experience is definitely worthy and fabulous! It was my first time I can swim in the water without worrying of drowning. The water is cold and crystal clear. Fishes swam by us and they swam away gracefully when I tried to reach them by hands. I felt like a mermaid until a........

Ouch! Damn, it bleeds you mothafucka fish!

It always make me energetic to expose myself under the sun. I got nasty sunburn on my back as I forgotten to apply sunblock at the particular area. I showed it to my mom and she laughed so hard I don't why how can she be so cruel to me. It's been a month I had this sunburn, whenever I take out my cloth, I see myself like wearing a extreme thin bullet proof jacket because it's black.

I hate mummy for bringing me to the clinic.

I had an operation yesterday. I don't know why mummy sent me to the clinic. I ran and jumped but mummy still forcing me. She is violating my rights! I could have call the authority but because of my fleshy paw I couldn't press on the button. The injection was so painful and the stitches on my stomach irritate me! I'm not in the mood to talk, to play, to kiss and to hand! I say no to the shitty food! It smells like dead meat and I have the right not to consume it! I'm angry with mummy, I rather to sleep with grandma, might as well I stay overnight at grandma's than sleeping in the same bed with daddy. I'm afraid she'll bring me to the clinic again. I don't know when I want to talk to mommy and daddy, so don't bother to ask me. So, now hand over the ice cream. - Joker Chan, the cutest Pug.

The fishermen.
I was waiting to choose my fishes on the deck. :D

fishes :D

The seafood in Sandakan is so much cheaper gawk I can afford to have seafood feast myself even without my parents paying for the bill. The restaurant gets seafood supply directly from the fishermen and apparently they are not exaggerating about the freshness about seafood. All the fishes are newly caught and the next second they are served to your table. 

Baby hammer shark.

Male crab and female crab.
My dad's friend taught me how to identify male and female crab.

Nom-Nom :D

The market price for 1kg of crabs in Seremban's restaurants is about RM40 to RM45. We don't get to choose and the choices of gravy are limited. Baked Crab is the most famous meal in Seremban, but as only the common cooking style in Sandakan,  this can beat it easily not only the gravy, but also the price.

Mantis prawn.


I ate Mantis for 35984720275 times but it never be that delicious like this. Mantis shrimps never be my favorite food because Mantis before this is tasteless and flesh-less.

The fish served. Thumbs up. Fresh and fleshy.
I went to this restaurant twice. The first time was when the day I arrived in Sandakan, the second time was a day before the departure date. I'm not sure where it's located but as what I heard and understand it's located at "8 mile". It's a famous fishing village in Sandakan. I already planned to bring my Drummer Bee and siblings for a second trip to Sandakan, probably by the coming Chinese New Year, if only my family is not going to overseas for CNY celebration and if my dad willing to sponsor me MAS ticket. And talk about MAS, one thing I love about it is the plane is spacious compared to Air Asia and the meal is better. :)

Land Below The Wind
Off for snorkeling.

My belly button got bitten by random fish here.

PS: this is the 3859374 times I clarified that the photo above is taken by Olympus PEN EPL-1. It's not copy+paste from the internet :P

被人误会的感觉我真的无法理解。我本来都是我行我素,you have problem with my attitude, that's your problem, not mine. 后来,当我真的失去一位谈得来的朋友, 我才发现有时事情真的不如你所愿。因为种种因素,当中有别人的女朋友受到威胁,嫉妒男朋友对我的处处维护,她对他下最后通牒,有她没有我,让他左右为难。难道我要他为我舍她而去吗?“No, you don't need to cast her aside。” I told him.

曾经何时我对于维护自己的名誉不感兴趣?疑生疑鬼,每一秒都要查寻对方的通话记录,你不累我都替你的另一半喊:“你太过分了!” 在一个三角关系里,做第三者的真的以为他/她真的有一天会和背叛者开花结果,地位服正吗?可能会有结果,但到后来都是过街老鼠,人人看见他们都喊打喊杀。就像周慧敏老公,倪震先前被爆料在夜店与辣妹张茆湿吻,到最后和倪震走教堂的也不是周慧敏吗?那位小三辣妹到最后要生要死都要不回人家老公,难看的是谁她自己心里有数。做小三的艰难路,我宁可不走,这样糟蹋自己,真的为难了。何况,在这个情况里,我和别人的男朋友真的是难兄难弟吧了。

我对过分友好的异性有所顾虑,已经开始学着为他们的另一半着想。我以为自己不存任何威胁感,事实上,我难免对自己太有信心,别人的女友可不是那样想的。她 一直都在担心,我相信她有试着相信我和他的友情,可能她真的无法释怀,事情变得丑陋难看。对于这件事情,我不能怪她。 能怪罪的可能是大家的信任不足够,或者大家都有错,我真的不好意思让她担心了很久。我也许是那个最后的一根稻草,但他们之间有太多的嫉妒和不谅解足够让他 们同归于尽。


一段感情里,两个陌生人变恋人,摸索爱人和被人爱的方程式,学习体谅和关心,从一无所知到一知半解,每一节段都是难得可贵,开心与愤怒都是其次。恋情是你的,他/她也是你曾经拥有的,也曾让你开心骄傲过,太多的美好让你每每想起它心痛得透不过气来。被你最爱的人背叛和放弃当然心如刀割,痛不欲生。有些人还想了结生命来逃避现实,为了什么?当爱人在你和他/她之间作了选择,你被牺牲的那一秒,你还奢望背叛者会在乎你吗? 别傻了。






I bet many of you heard about Enchanted Garden located in Hong Kong Disneyland Hotel. Frankly speaking, all I ever wished for this particular trip was to visit the park for 2 consecutive days. Wasn't expecting to have the opportunity to dine in here. Apparently, I can ask more than that!

The entrance
Yours truly.

It's advisably that to book your reservation at least three months in advance for breakfast buffet. In case we both need to go out to the city for breakfast, I took the initiative to make an international call to Hong Kong Disneyland Hotel. Fortunately, as a hotel guest, we did have priority in making reservation.


I seriously in love with Victorian style. The ambiance is calm and warm, it's a pleasure to dine at such place! Let it alone the variety of buffet they've offered.

The buffet are divided into three session. You may choose from the 7am, 8am or 9am session. We had chosen the earliest session so that I can enjoy my breakfast until 11am. The time is just nice before we entered the park. I can save my lunch. #likethatalsocan
Mickey waffle!
The famous pancake!
Yogurts, eww.
Fruity jam and butter
Want some, anyone?

Differently from Hollywood Hotel, the buffet session in Enchanted Garden is way more interested and worth to pay! I can assure you that, it is super deal to have breakfast in Enchanted Garden, every cent paid off as..


Without queuing up. Some of the guests don't really bother to take photos with them, so this is a great opportunity to take as as much as photos you want, if only you have thick face like mine. #likethatalsocan

Before Pluto, Mickey Mouse, Goofy came to my table, I was like an eagle, have my eyes following them. I have my camera ready in hands! The boyfriend teased me for being like that. Why I care as long as I can take photos with my beloved Disney Characters. #likethatalsocan

I think I had been annoying that Goofy somehow visited my table for the 38479234757 times, he finally grabbed my boyfriend's hand and pulled him to the next hall, and seated him with a single lady, a prettier and sexier one, indeed. LOLS.

So, in conjunction with Halloween, Mickey dressed as a vampire. Cute and funny.


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